Simple Senet

Welcome to Simple Senet

Senet is possibly the oldest board game, dating back to Ancient Egypt. Because Senet is so old, different historians have pieced together different versions of the rules. I’ve tried to simplify the rules to Senet in this implementation.

See the README.TXT file for details on how to play.

—Jim Hall

Simple Senet
The game begins with player 1&2 pieces on alternate squares on the top row.
Simple Senet
Throw the four throwing sticks to make your first move.
Simple Senet
Your move is the number of white sides showing on the sticks.
Simple Senet
If you cannot make a valid move, you lose your turn.
Simple Senet
If you move onto the square, you will be sent back to the square.
Simple Senet
The winner is the first player to move all their pieces off the board.


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